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January 12, 2007

Speaking of Rabbits


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I hope you haven't missed the story of Karl Szmolinsky, the East German who has taken up raising rabbits in his old age ---really really big rabbits. Their portraits are quite impressive. I have a hard time imaging an entire flock of these big bunnies hopping around their hutches -- kinda like having a yard full of kangaroos.

But I digress. North Korea has invited Mr. S. to set up a big bunny farm there. They are hoping that breeding big bunnies willl help with food shortages.

Last year I had a discussion with a dear and lose personal friend who runs an organization in Uganda that helps women establish their own businesses. I warned her that bird flu was coming toAfrica, and that chicken farming could be risky business, in more ways than one. She was angry with me because, she said, chicken was a fast growing source of protein, ( vs. cows and sheep), and there were no substitutes. That's when I thought of rabbits -- I didn't even know they came in economy size.

And what a loose cybercoincidence! Two of my favorite newsthinkers,Arianna Huffington and Keith Olbermann mentioned big pink rabbits yesterday, as they discussed Joe Lieberman.

Photo note: A skewered farmer, rooster at heel, stuck on a stick on a lawn in a town by the seashore. Not a bad metaphorophoto, for the text-- farmer, chicken -- but what do you make of the rest, especially the part about dropping the ho'. I get it! ho:(noun): "Anyone who dehumanizes themselves by selling their soul to others. The term can be applied to either a man or a woman or--as in the case of --both."

The farmer has a neighboring fairy equivalent who was our cover girl about 1000 entries ago.

Posted by Dakota at January 12, 2007 10:09 AM