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December 15, 2003

scratched cornea

Okay, I am toying with the internet.

I am told by Blog Mentor that I am number 12 in Google on the subject of scratched corneas. If you have a scratched cornea, you will be very disappointed by this site. I would post a spectacular photo, but if you have a scratched cornea, the last thing you will want to do is look at a photo. A more helpful place is: corneal abrasion.

Things they won't tell you on emedicine:

Have heart, I think my opthamologist once told me that the cornea is the fastest healing organ/?tissue in the body. The eye grows layers of corneal cells atop one another to repair the scratch. It only takes the deposit of a couple of layers to stop the pain. However, it sometimes takes ten years to rebuild the thickness lost in a bad scratch. This means that you can reinjure yourself quite easily, so be gentle.

While you are waiting for the first cells to grow, if you immobilize your head, the excruciating pain will go away. This is how I first discovered audio books, immobilizing my head, waiting for my cornea to heal. You can get audio books at the library, that is, if you have a valet, or equivalent, who will drive over for you. Be certain your valet choses an unabridged version. This is an excellent time to listen to a long Russian novel, like "The Brothers Karamazov" or "War and Peace". A professional reader will pronounce all those impossible names for you. You will be able to follow the twelve nicknames for each character, as well.

You could also listen to music, NPR or Hate Radio.

I haven't had a scratched cornea since I've been meditating (that wasn't a suggestion for prevention, just a fact.) Now I could meditate until my cornea healed.

Posted by Dakota at December 15, 2003 09:00 PM